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Artist - Femme
St jean de braye (Centre), France

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Presentation of Leena NOUSIAINEN

I am a painter of eternal ideas I find between invisible and visible; contrasts, imaginary spaces and stories - inspired by music, love, life, death, shadows, night and light. I am a Finnish woman living & working in Orléans since 2011.
Before moving to France, I had numerous exhibitions in Finland, in capital city Helsinki starting since year 2002. (First own exhibition in Oulu in the end of 1998.)

Training and courses of Leena NOUSIAINEN

High-school of arts in Oulu (city where she was born)
Various professional studies of classic and modern art in Helsinki :
Art school taidekoulu Maa, Art school Vapaa taidekoulu.

The artworks of Leena NOUSIAINEN

Colorful large paintings, mainly acrylic; some mixed media also.

  • Numerous personal exhibitions in Finland,
  • Teacher of color theories and drawing,
  • Numerous art works in private collections.


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Je recommande

Interview de Yannick Degreef Par Artisteo.com
Article créé le 11-03-2013
Créer et développer son réseau
Article créé le 12-03-2013


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