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Artist - Femme
St jean de braye (Centre), France
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NOUSIAINEN Leena added an artwork.
The 06-30-2013
NOUSIAINEN Leena added a photo of her artwork Remember The First Summer
The 06-30-2013

NOUSIAINEN Leena added an artwork.
The 06-29-2013
NOUSIAINEN Leena added a photo of her artwork Ran Away With A French Guy - Not Coming Back
The 06-29-2013

NOUSIAINEN Leena added a photo of her artwork Some Departs Are For Ever, Some Arrivals Are For Good
The 06-29-2013

Applestrophe Ever glade this beautifull arrival on this so good canvas !
The 08-27-2014
NOUSIAINEN Leena added an artwork.
The 06-29-2013
The 06-20-2013
Je prépare une expo, et cela va participer -... Des fantasies finlandaises...
NOUSIAINEN Leena added a photo of her artwork You Can Call Me The Midnight Sun
The 06-20-2013

NOUSIAINEN Leena added an artwork.
The 04-27-2013
Encore une oeuvre sur commande, pour une jeune femme. Decouvrez mon site web, LEENA Paintings: http://leenanemail.wix.com/leena-nousiainen?from_fb=1
NOUSIAINEN Leena added a photo of her artwork Wanna See Me Fly
The 04-27-2013

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