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Artist - Homme - 57 ans
Rillieux la pape (Rhône-Alpes), France
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F.granier added his opinion on BLONDÉ Fabien
The 02-08-2018
F.granier added his opinion on Margo
The 02-08-2018
F.granier added his opinion on MUSSO Anne-Marie
The 02-08-2018
F.granier added his opinion on Bastet
The 02-06-2018
F.granier added his opinion on VOISIN Johanna
The 02-05-2018
F.granier added his opinion on DAMAS Marie-Laure
The 02-05-2018
SCHIETECATTE Jean-Luc added his opinion on F.granier
The 01-29-2018
F.granier added an artwork.
The 12-08-2017
Inspiré des transformers
F.granier added his opinion on HÉLIN Vin'z
The 11-26-2017
F.granier added his opinion on Catef
The 11-05-2017
F.granier added an artwork.
The 11-04-2017
Inspiré de stars wars....
F.granier added his opinion on LOMBAY Sylvie
The 03-13-2017
F.granier added an artwork.
The 02-26-2017
La lutte du neant contre le paradis des couleurs !
F.granier added his opinion on Asaphil
The 02-08-2017
F.granier added an artwork.
The 02-04-2017
Cette oeuvre vous plonge dans mon univers de fiction, mélant des éléments réels dans un univers fantastiques. Cette toile représentant un guerrier ...
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