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Artist - Femme - 66 ans
Beaconsfield (Buckinghamshire), United Kingdom
Oeuvres d'art > Oeuvre d'art : Right to childhood against global warming
Right to childhood against global warming
Ajouté the 02-27-2021

Présentation de l'oeuvre d'art

Rising temperatures, less predictable rains increase the extent of droughts and floods that ruin crops and impoverish soils.
No longer able to feed their children, parents take the girls out of school and marry them, by force, to often much older men. Soon they become mothers, even though they are still only children.

Nom de l'oeuvre d'art Right to childhood against global warming
Année de création2021
Technique Painting Oil
Forme d'expression Non précisé
Style Non précisé
Thème Non précisé
Disponible à la location Non
Disponible à la vente Oui, au prix de 5500 euros
Oeuvre uniqueOui
Poids4.5 kg
Taille120x3x150 cm
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