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Artist - Femme - 66 ans
Beaconsfield (Buckinghamshire), United Kingdom
Oeuvres d'art > Oeuvre d'art : Butterflies against the destruction of ecosystems
Butterflies against the destruction of ecosystems
Ajouté the 02-27-2021

Présentation de l'oeuvre d'art

Early mowing of meadows, spreading of pesticides. 75% of the biomass of flying insects has disappeared in the past 27 years.
Besides the beauty of their flights, butterflies participate in polenization, and they are also an essential food resource for birds.

Nom de l'oeuvre d'art Butterflies against the destruction of ecosystems
Année de création2021
Technique Painting Oil
Forme d'expression Accumulation
Style Abstract
Thème Flowers
Disponible à la location Non
Disponible à la vente Oui, au prix de 3350 euros
Poids4.5 kg
Taille100x3x120 cm
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