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Artist - Femme - 65 ans
Besancon (Franche-Comté), France

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Langue : English - French

Presentation of TARKOWSKA Grazyna

Grazyna Tarkowska is Painter and Master in Plastic Arts. She was born in Poland, and she actually lives and works in France.

She made her studies at the University Nicolae Copernicus of Torun in Poland, she expresses herself by painting, sculpture, performances, drawing and poetry.

Grazyna Tarkowska is placed firmly in the Expressionnist current, even though she has a palette very closed to the french collorist tradition.

She makes portraits, nudes, and landscapes sometimes a little abstract.

Away from theories of " Art for Art " or conceptual art, Grazyna Tarkowska wants to convey a message through her paintings, a message of spirituality, mysticism, shared humanity.


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