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Artist - Homme
Paris (Ile-de-France), France

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Langue : English - French

Presentation of Eric SOULIER

(Born in Strasbourg, France, Eric Soulier lives and works in Paris.

In 1971, he conscientiously attends Miss Jeannin's workshop, where he acquires a traditional academic training.
At this time he starts producing charcoal sketches including portraits, nudes, landscapes and still-lifes, as well as canvass oil paintings.
In 1974 he has his first exhibition of figurative work at the prestigious Galerie Raymond Ducan, rue de la Seine, Paris.
In 1979, he obtains a Visual Art Degree from the renowned École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Appliqués et des Métiers d'Arts (" Higher National School of Applied and Commercial Arts) in Paris, completing a 4-year period of study.

In 1980 he starts to work as a Graphic Designer, then as an Art Director and finally as a Creative Director in the most famous advertising agencies in Paris, where he creates visual concepts for prestigious brands, such as Air France, Peugeot, L'Oréal and many others.
In this creative environment, he works closely with the best photographers, film directors and illustrators of the time.

These regular collaborations enrich his pallet of artistic expression, enabling him to familiarize himself with various communication tools such as photography, visual identity, video, and at this time he is already experimenting with installations within promotional events.

At the same time his painting style starts to move towards Abstraction.

Using glycero paint, oil and acrylic resin, he develops new mixed techniques which enable him to produce innovative graphics or materials through which he can express his existential questioning.

From 1990 he devotes himself entirely to visual art and he exhibits at galleries, fairs and shows.

From 1997 to 2005 Éric produces mural paintings in various public places and communities, in France and in the Caraibean Islands, his work being funded by public programs.

Convinced that Art can play a mobilizing and therapeutic role, he shares his experiments with people with learning difficulties by inviting them to take part in the realization of his frescoes.

Today, he continues to produce decorative mosaics as well as large frescoes, photographs and figurative portraits on commission.

However it should be noted that it is through the great originality of his abstract work that he truly connects with his audience.

His latest exhibition, at the Galerie Artitude in Paris, shows the world that Eric is one of the few artists who attempt to go beyond the surface of things and beyond the visible to capture 'its incommunicability'.

An inspired painter of the contemporary art scene, Eric Soulier allows us discover the multiple forms of innovative abstraction that resonate with our inner questionings.

Artistic commitment of Eric SOULIER

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