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Artist - Femme
St guilhem le desert (Languedoc-Roussillon), France
Siret 79774469500017

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Langue : English - French

Presentation of Malow

As a child, I spent much time and energy in drawing and painting but professional choices and family life got me caught and let me few time to listen to my heart. I just came back a few years ago to as a second student life with Fine Art studies and Philosophical Esthetic at Montpellier University. My passion for painting has thus encountered my rebirth as Malow painter and my home in Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert where I have set my atelier.

Painting links me to the world and represents the mean to communicate and exchange my emotions and feelings. It's a silent language that conversely to words ignores bounds and borders. I search signification beyond words because I feel that's true communication going through silence, freeing spirit, opening gates, sharing the world of understanding among humans.

I claim lyric abstraction style, out of bounds and within freedom and creativity. Oil is my medium because of its sensuality, glare and demands. I love the personal challenge it represents. It requires surrender yourself in painting. My inspiration often ensues from the choice of two colors, of their light plays, and the palette that is to be born. Successive layers cover canvas as instinctive consequences of spontaneous gestures and movements. Knifes turn oil paint into peculiar texture that invent reliefs and transparencies in recurring discovering processes.


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