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Artist - Femme
Vanves (Ile-de-France), France

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Langue : English - French

Presentation of Nataly GOUBET

Who talks of abstraction?
From childhood, marked by the sheer violence of Van-Gogh's colours she was fed, among others, by Tiepolo's virtuoso inks, by Picasso's drawings, by the vibrant and strained colour masses of De-Stael, by the raw traces of Tapiès or Twombly.
Nervous graphics, gestures, scratched plain colours, the paint of Nataly Goubet bear its own subject; its own living
In her work, the gesture is premeditated but also given a chance to hazard
Her work is deliberate yet adventurous and her compositions that colonise white surfaces vacillate between order and chaos.
Facing these paintings; be a voyeur !
Give your eyes time to undress them.

JF Blanc


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