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Artist - Femme
Coulouvray boisbenatre (Basse-Normandie), France
Maison des artistes F311969

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Langue : English - French - Deutch

Presentation of Dominique FISCHBACH

I was born in 1952 in France. I used to be a teacher. But I have always be also an artist.

I have always been very sensitive to colours. But for many years I was too scared to use colours so I dared not use them. I used drawing pencil or Indian ink. I also sculpted wood... I found inspiration mainly in faces and in human body. But I also dreamed when looking at some works of art; especially those of Hans Hartung and Paul Jenkins. And one day, following a life break, I started using colours. It is through still life paintings that I first explored colours but also transparency and light.
I was attracted to movement, but...
Following a new life accident, I turned to abstract : I finally explored movement. Therefore I mainly do acrylic painting (lyrical* abstract).

Another turn in 2010 has brought me to give up acrylic for inks. This technique enables me to get closer to my goals of lightness, transparency, movement...
I would like people watching my work to step into a world of tranquillity and joy.


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