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Artist - Homme
Dar Achachir (Marrakech), Maroc

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Langue : English - French

Presentation of Baznani ACHRAF

Moroccan photographer and filmmaker Achraf Baznani (pronounced: Ashraf Baznani) carries on the traditions of Surrealism with his wild, imaginative, and wholly impractical imagery. Among his inventive scenarios, small human figures—often the artist himself—appear trapped within glass jars or the size of a camera lens; in other works, Baznani more or less dissects his body, as for example, in one, he cleanly removes his brain from his cranium, or in another, twists off his hand, much as if it were a light bulb. Imparted throughout such works are strong senses of humor and wonder, and as such, Baznani's art offers a Surrealistic take on life experience in the digital age.

A self-taught artist, Baznani has no formal photography education. He lives and works in Morocco.

Artistic commitment of Baznani ACHRAF

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