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Artist - Femme - 47 ans
Rouffignac (Poitou-Charentes), France
Siret 78984058400013 - MDA CB16410
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Type : Tout - Images - Vidéos - Site internet Ordonner par : Date - Dernier commentaire(1)
DEN Antoine added his opinion on CALLEGARI Lucile
The 12-26-2015
Artiste 2.0 added his opinion on CALLEGARI Lucile
The 12-18-2015
CALLEGARI Lucile added an artwork.
The 11-20-2015
1 photo
Painting > Acrylic
1 photo
Painting > Acrylic
1 photo
Painting > Acrylic
1 photo
Painting > Acrylic
CALLEGARI Lucile added a photo of her artwork T180
The 12-01-2014

Artiste 2.0 Magnifique :)
The 12-14-2015
CALLEGARI Lucile added an artwork.
The 12-01-2014
1 photo
Painting > Acrylic
DE OLIVEIRA Alexandre added his opinion on CALLEGARI Lucile
The 09-28-2014
CALLEGARI Lucile was present in exhibition Grand marché d'art contemporain (Bastille) the 04-11-2013 between 10:00 and 20:00
The 07-31-2013
CALLEGARI Lucile was present in exhibition Grand marché d'art contemporain (Bastille) the 03-11-2013 between 11:00 and 20:00
The 07-31-2013
CALLEGARI Lucile was present in exhibition Grand marché d'art contemporain (Bastille) the 02-11-2013 between 10:00 and 20:00
The 07-31-2013
CALLEGARI Lucile was present in exhibition Grand marché d'art contemporain (Bastille) the 01-11-2013 between 11:00 and 20:00
The 07-31-2013
CALLEGARI Lucile was present in exhibition Grand marché d'art contemporain (Bastille) the 31-10-2013 between 11:00 and 20:00
The 07-31-2013
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