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Artist - Femme
Cloyes sur le loir (Centre), France
Siret 40170833400016

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Type : Tout - Images - Vidéos - Site internet Ordonner par : Date - Dernier commentaire(10)
CURIACE Gismonde added a photo of her artwork Boule de glace
The 11-21-2021

CURIACE Gismonde added a photo of her artwork Les 3 sphères
The 11-21-2021

CURIACE Gismonde added a photo of her artwork En roue libre
The 11-21-2021

CURIACE Gismonde added a photo of her artwork Sucre d'orge
The 03-26-2020

CURIACE Gismonde added a photo of her artwork Ficelle et serpentin 2
The 02-27-2020

CURIACE Gismonde added a photo of her artwork Mètre étalon
The 09-24-2019

CURIACE Gismonde added a photo of her artwork Haute couture
The 09-24-2019

CURIACE Gismonde added a photo of her artwork Boules et Billes
The 09-24-2019

CURIACE Gismonde added a photo of her artwork Tâche d'ancre
The 09-24-2019

CURIACE Gismonde added a photo of her artwork Flash Bowl
The 09-24-2019

CURIACE Gismonde added a photo in Promenade artistique de Molineuf
The 09-05-2019
CURIACE Gismonde added a photo of her artwork Lampe jaune
The 11-21-2018

CURIACE Gismonde added a photo of her artwork Ciseaux à lunettes
The 11-21-2018

CURIACE Gismonde added a photo of her artwork Fer de lampe
The 11-21-2018

CURIACE Gismonde added a photo of her artwork La montre
The 11-20-2018

CURIACE Gismonde added a photo of her artwork K'ss tête
The 06-04-2018

CURIACE Gismonde added a photo of her artwork Lettres de mon moulin
The 06-04-2018

CURIACE Gismonde added a photo of her artwork Hello
The 06-04-2018

CURIACE Gismonde added a photo of her artwork La boule bleue
The 06-04-2018

CURIACE Gismonde added a photo of her artwork Lady Pénélope
The 06-04-2018

CURIACE Gismonde added a photo of her artwork Le wagon vert
The 06-04-2018

CURIACE Gismonde added a photo of her artwork La ficelle jaune
The 06-04-2018

CURIACE Gismonde added a photo in 18 peintres du trompe - l'oeil français à Neuenstadt
The 09-11-2017
CURIACE Gismonde added a photo of her artwork Le joueur de flûte
The 09-11-2017

CURIACE Gismonde added a photo of her artwork Le dernier des éléphants
The 09-11-2017

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