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Artist - Homme - 52 ans
Paris (Ile-de-France), France

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Systaime, it is the anti-system of the art. Systaime, aka Michaël Borras, is a pure shoot of Net, a datamoshing and smash up virtuoso. What? Don't u live in the snares of Web? Aren't emoticons and other favicons part of your vocabulary? Systaime dethrones the icons of the webculture as others unbolted the statues of Lenin, Stalin or Moubarak. Without hierarchy nor respect, he copies like crazy, uses and makes and over uses The Internet foklore, that visual culture which did not stop coming out screens down to streets, to fashion, to people.

The French Trash Touch creator mixes the pop culture, net culture, low and high culture. Systaime is an alive embodiment of the flow. The flow? This continuous and almost infinite heap of datas, these datas made with the zero and the one of the digital universe, the basis of all images, videos, sounds circulating on our screens, phones, computers. Lol cats and boobs, same fight ! Systaime deteriorates, with the help of his digital scissors, signs, symbols, images, video clips of our network culture.

Systaime moves, opens up, destroys to bring a new breath in his videos, tweetos and other images the spirit of pirates, of pionners of the cyberculture. Brilliantly, shining (like diamonds), glittering and always with a great sense of humor. His life is a flow as his art is a remix of the flow. How to plan the internet flow? Impossible but for sure Systaime's exhibition will spot the space.

Systaime exhibits himself and the Web, without licked screen nor trickle of flashy modern media. We will see the anonymous samples of our vernacular contents, we will get our digital addictions slim minced, electronic waste recycled in Systaime way, a theory of thread and paper, frames and other contributions. Systaime does not sort out, he accumulates, grazing politicians by pushing them to silence, spamming like crazy to occupy the net as the space.

The historic agitator who, with his Super Art Modern Museum ( SPAMM), gained widespread acceptance by exposing on-line and in town the Tom Thumbs of the digital culture, from Caracas to Milan, from New York to Brussels, from the Internet to Irl. In the scrubland of signs which he has deposited, each one of us will look for his own way, with Systaime mantras as the only subliminal advices. Reject the smooth excess and the quite virtual, forget the ambient digital standardization, choose bricolo-techno rather than the giant of the hi-tech, live the flow !

Annick Rivoire

Systaime www.systaime.com
Wikipedia www.fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systaime
Presse www.systaime.com/press
French Trash Touch www.systaime-french-trash-touch.tumblr.com
spamm www.spamm.fr
NetIcones www.neticones.com/


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