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Artist - Femme - 56 ans
Mathod (Vaud / Waadt), Switzerland

Mes dernières oeuvres d'art

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Langue : English - French

Presentation of Sara SARAH

Autodidact, captivated by art since her youngest years, she started to paint very early.

At 13 years old, her talent and interests arose through the illustration of children's tales that she wrote with her two sisters.
Soon after, encouraged by her family circle as well as professionals, she has exhibited her drawings and paintings.

At 29 years old, she tried out clay sculpture and created a few pieces. She then discovered bronze. Passionate about the fantastic and magical world she carries within her, Sara.H had to tame the clay for hours before she was ready to convey her emotions through art.

Since about ten years, Sara.H's works of art have been exhibited in Switzerland, France, the UK, California and China. She has won several prizes, notably in France.

" My goal is to be increasingly truthful in the communication of my art, and I think it will easily take a lifetime as an artist, " she explains.

For Sara.H, her art of predilection can be described in this unique saying :
" Sculpture is a music that is listened to with the eyes and played with the fingertips. "


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