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Artist - Homme - 65 ans
Triel sur seine (Ile-de-France), France
Maison des artistes S073735

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SOULIE Pascal added a photo of his artwork Nu de Profil 1
The 11-16-2012

SOULIE Pascal added an artwork.
The 11-16-2012
Technique : Fusain & Craie Blanche
SOULIE Pascal added a photo of his artwork Torse de Face 2
The 11-16-2012

SOULIE Pascal added an artwork.
The 11-16-2012
SOULIE Pascal added a photo of his artwork Torse de Face 1
The 11-16-2012

SOULIE Pascal added an artwork.
The 11-15-2012
Technique à la tempéra à l'oeuf sur bois, présentée à l'exposition de la Grande Arche de la Défense a reçu la médaille du Mérite Français
SOULIE Pascal added a photo of his artwork Torse
The 11-15-2012

COMMARMOND Jacques Il n'est pas surprenant que ce tableau ait été récompensé, le modelé est magnifique tout en restant délicat, la transition entre le torse et le fond est remarquablement travaillée et les couleurs somptueuses.
The 11-23-2012
SOULIE Pascal added an artwork.
The 11-15-2012
SOULIE Pascal added a photo of his artwork Reflet d'arbre
The 11-15-2012

SOULIE Pascal added an artwork.
The 11-15-2012
SOULIE Pascal added a photo of his artwork Reflet 3
The 11-15-2012

SOULIE Pascal added an artwork.
The 11-15-2012
SOULIE Pascal added a photo of his artwork Reflet 2
The 11-15-2012

SOULIE Pascal added an artwork.
The 11-14-2012
SOULIE Pascal added a photo of his artwork Reflet 1
The 11-14-2012

SOULIE Pascal added an artwork.
The 11-14-2012
SOULIE Pascal added a photo of his artwork Paysage, lac de Saint Cucufa
The 11-14-2012

SOULIE Pascal added an artwork.
The 11-14-2012
SOULIE Pascal added a photo of his artwork Le vesinet
The 11-14-2012

SOULIE Pascal added an artwork.
The 11-14-2012
The 11-13-2012
SOULIE Pascal added a photo of his artwork Montagnes
The 11-13-2012

SOULIE Pascal added an artwork.
The 11-13-2012
SOULIE Pascal added a photo of his artwork Lac
The 11-13-2012

AITZEGAGH Vincent Comme la première photo connue de Niepce, très beau, calme sérénité et volupté. Bravo
The 11-15-2012
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