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Artist - Femme - 51 ans
Gentilly (Ile-de-France), France

Mes dernières oeuvres d'art

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Langue : English - French


I bloom by painting since 2009 of the abstract having taken the classic courts in particular to the School Estienne. I like pigments, acrylic, sprays, various pastas (bead, graphite), chinesse inks and pastels fat. I begin several paintings at the same time and finalize them according to my feelings and over time. I sometimes think of an act or a wish to find the theme of my painting.

I look for the harmony of colors and their combinations. I like textures, reliefs, material, coulures, effects... I paint youngs or large formats on canevas with a preference for the big paintings. The paint brings me a freedom of expression and a reassurance.
I use many tools of house painter or mason, big brushes and knives.

I paint in music to give some energy to my work: I adore the singing and the dance.


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