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Artist - Homme
Longueuil (Quebec), Canada

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Presentation of Daroart

David Roche lives and works in Québec (Canada) since 1991.

In 1977, he obtains, with excellent results, a diploma in Plastic Arts (Painting, Sculpture and Engraving) at the prestigious National Academy of Fine Arts of San Alejandro in Havana. Continuing his studies, he obtains in 1983, a Bachelor's degree in Arts History from the University of Havana, Cuba. From 1989 to 2006, he attends various post-university advanced classes in computer graphics and multimedia.

Professor of Visual Arts and Arts History at the Ministry for the Arts, and Ministry of Education in Cuba (1970-1991), he continues his pedagogical and educational work since his arrival in Canada. Often, he has spoken at International Conferences on Caribbean Art and Latino-american Conferences on Artistic Education.

As an artist, he masters the profound and emotional sense of volume, textures and colours with subtlety and remarkable refinement. Above and beyond the plastic aspects and esthetic research, his art represents physical and spiritual love, sensuality and spontaneity; it also demonstrates the duality of the balance between abstract and reality.

His rich and diversified works of art received prizes, both nationally and internationally. They are found in private and public collections in Canada, Cuba, the Unites States, Mexico, Spain and many other European countries.

He is a Member of many Art Associations, as The International Association of Plastic Arts (I.A.P.A.), the Group for Visual Arts Artists of Québec (R.A.A.V.) the Society for Copyrights of Visual Arts Artists (SODRAC), etc.


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